+44 (0)20 3709 8741

About Us

History of City Group 

City Group was established over 30 years ago and provides outsourced company secretarial services and corporate governance advice to small listed companies. It has clients listed on The London Stock Exchange, AIM, Aquis Growth Exchange and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

City Group P.L.C. is owned by two companies:
London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C. (listed on the London Stock Exchange) and Western Selection Limited

Our People

Edward Beale, FCA, MA (Eng) Cantab 

Edward is a member, previously chairman, of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Quoted Companies Alliance and for six years was a member of the UK’s Accounting Standards Board. He is an experienced non-executive director and serves on the boards of listed and private companies in the UK and overseas, and chairs audit and remuneration committees.

Rod Venables – Head of Company Secretarial Department